Last week, I left you with a short and simple “6-Word Story,” following in the footsteps of Nobel Prize winning author, Ernest Hemingway.

“Oh, the Places We Will Go!”

Several of you shared your images and words with us—the places and stories that these six powerful words evoked in your minds. Thank you!

My Own Story Details

Little did I know. In June 1992, when I boarded that plane at the Kansas City International Airport to go to France, it would be the first of many. It would be the first of many airplanes, the first of many airports, the first of many places, the first of many . . .

On our way to the airport, my grandparents and my mother took me to eat at my favorite Chinese restaurant, “The Magic Wok.” It was my last request. It would be the last time I would eat there for a long time—at least one year.

I do not typically believe in fortune cookie messages. However, looking back, I do believe that I received a divine message that day. It was like the voice of God quietly speaking from the heavens, telling me how my life would unfold.

“You will step foot on the soil of many lands.”

“Many Lands”

I still have that little piece of white, rolled-up paper—that divine script—in a box of special, collected items from my travels around the world. It’s somewhere in our storage unit in France.

Did you know that there are 195 countries in the world—all the places where those 7,111 languages are spoken—the ones I mentioned in the story, ‘I Love You’ Around the World.

When Vincent and I first made a list of the foreign lands we have visited, we realized that there is still a big world out there to explore!

Foreign Soil on Our Feet

In alphabetical order, we have “stepped foot on the soil of many lands.”

  1. Austria
  2. Belgium
  3. Belize
  4. Brazil
  5. Burkina Faso
  6. Canada
  7. Czech Republic
  8. England
  9. France
  10. French Guyana
  11. Germany
  12. Gibralter 
  13. Greece
  14. Holland
  15. Honduras
  16. Ireland
  17. Italy
  18. Ivory Coast
  19. Mali
  20. Malta
  21. Mexico
  22. Morocco
  23. Principality of Monaco
  24. Senegal
  25. Spain
  26. Switzerland
  27. Tunisia
  28. Turkey
  29. United Arab Emirates
  30. United States

I almost forgot to add #30! Vincent reminded me as he listed all of the foreign countries he has visited!

A few years ago, I found an awesome “Scratch Off World Map Poster.” We have one, and we have given them to our older boys for their college dorm rooms. They make great gifts for global nomads! It’s fun to have a visual of all the places we have gone, and “Oh, the places we will go!”

There are so many more lands to see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and experience!

We still dream of “stepping foot on the soil of many MORE lands”!

Vincent and I had plans many years ago to travel with some friends to Israel. We had even paid our down-deposit! We discovered soon after that we were expecting our first child, Timothee. I would have been 7 months pregnant at the time of our trip, so we decided to cancel.

Maybe one day . . . 

Still Dreaming

We still dream of traveling to . . .

  1. Croatia
  2. Iceland
  3. India
  4. Israel
  5. Jordan
  6. Kenya
  7. Portugal
  8. Sweden
  9. Tahiti
  10. Thailand

And so many other foreign lands . . . 

Let’s dream together and listen to “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss.

—The Cultural Story-Weaver


Let’s Weave Cultures!

What about you? What is your favorite foreign land? Where do you dream of traveling?

This story and travel planning tool will get you started with your “travel dream.”

Go ahead . . . book that ticket and plan your trip today—the one you have been dreaming of. “Do It Scared!”

This story can help you face some of your fears about traveling. “One of the Reasons We are Afraid to Travel.”

Do you want to plan your first or next travel adventure, but you don’t know where to go or how to begin? Perhaps you are feeling fearful about taking these first steps? Maybe there are some “barriers at your border.”

Contact me for a free, 15-minute “Travel Coaching” session. We can explore the possibilities together.

We invite you to tell us your own cultural stories and global adventures . . . as you engage with the world, breaking down barriers, building bridges, and “weaving cultures!” Write about them in the comment box below.


More Stories You May Like:

Do You Have a Travel Dream?

Have You Ever Heard a ‘6-Word Story’?

One of the Reasons We are Afraid to Travel

‘I Love You’ Around the World

What are the Barriers at Your Border?

The Cultural Story-Weaver

Along with her French husband, four boys, and dog, Marci is a global nomad who has traveled to more than 30 countries and lived extensively in the United States, France, Morocco, and Spain. She loves to travel, speak foreign languages, experience different cultures, eat ethnic foods, meet people from faraway lands, and of course, tell stories.

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