Welcome! Bienvenue! Bienvenidos! Marhaba!
There are more than 6,500 different languages in the world, but those are the few I know. So, I’ll start there!
Welcome to “The Cultural Story-Weaver”! I’m glad you landed on my doorstep! I’m a “global nomad,” so you never know where my doorstep might be! 🙂
Just like you, I am fascinated with the “big world” out there and want to explore and experience it—its places, its cultures, its people, its languages, its foods.
“Let’s Weave Cultures!” That’s my motto.
My stories are threads that build cultural awareness, understanding, and appreciation. Together, we can break down the cultural barriers between us and build bridges, connect people’s worlds, and expand our global tapestry.
Ready? Let’s get started. Let’s Weave Cultures!
Sign up here for the weekly “LET’S WEAVE CULTURES” NEWS!
Check out our online store, “Cultural Threads,” with products made by survivors of human trafficking. Shop with a purpose! Shop for a cause!

Get to Know Me
You can get to know me—The Cultural Story-Weaver—my French husband, and my four “global” boys by reading the “ABOUT” page, “MY STORY”, and “MY LIFE AS A CULTURAL THREAD COLLECTOR”—a story that tells you why I chose the name of my cultural story blog.
Where to Start?
I don’t want you to get lost on “The Cultural Story-Weaver.”
Here are the categories, with some of the most read and shared stories that you won’t want to miss.
—Cross-Cultural Family
What ‘Love Language’ Do You Speak?
Transition: Living in the ‘Land Between’
Are You One Who is ‘Left Behind’?
—Global Stories
The Japanese Boy in the Field of Pennsylvania
Watching From America as Paris is on Fire!
International Students: Invite the World Into Your Home
Travel With Me to the ‘World of Crankie’!
—Cultural Awareness
Why is it Important to Have Cultural Awareness?
See Beyond Our Differences: Just Like Me, Just Like You
Cultural Awareness: Grief and Death in Arab Culture
Cultural Differences: Why Do You Close the Bathroom Door?

International Pet Travel—What You Need to Know
How to Leave the ‘Land of Familiar’
One of the Reasons We Are Afraid to Travel
—Cultural Food
Who Forgot to Celebrate ‘French Crêpe Day’? (Don’t miss “Papa Vincent’s Famous Crêpes” recipe download!)
A Dis’TASTE’ful Cultural Lesson: Do Not Stir Middle-Eastern Coffee!
Tapas are Included in the Price!
Amazing Culinary Experience Opens the Door to the World
What is the Cost of a Language Barrier?
Bloopers: The Powerful Importance of Prepositions
The Danger of Direct Translation: ‘False Friends’
—”Faux-Pas” Bloopers (Beware!)
The Language Barrier at the Drive-Thru
Language Blooper: Do You Want Paper or Plastic?
Cultural Blooper: Beware of Compliments and Unexpected Gifts!
The Shocking Invitation to Spanish Culture!
Some of my cultural stories are audio recorded, so you can enjoy them while you drive your car, exercise, clean your house . . . Check them out here!
At the end of each story, you will find a “Let’s Weave Cultures” section where you can personally interact with the story and share your own global adventures. Don’t miss that exciting part of the “Let’s Weave Cultures” community.
Wherever you are right now, go pour a cup of tea or coffee (or your favorite drink), and come travel the world with me—through stories!

Connect With Me
You can also connect with me on facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin, and pinterest.
You can also contact me here if you have any questions or comments.