Yesterday, we got some disappointing news here in Spain. It may be the same news that some of you are getting in your part of the world.
We were all hoping that the kids might return to school on May 9, but that is not the case. They will finish the school year online. Moms and dads will continue in their new roles as homeschool teachers.
Yesterday, I was really discouraged upon hearing this news. My perspective was down and dark.
A New Day, A New Perspective
Today is a new day! I woke up this morning with a song in my heart.
This isn’t unusual for me. I love music. I love singing. I’m constantly humming and singing a tune. It can drive people crazy if they live with me!
My mother told me that I could sing before I could talk. I would spend hours in my crib singing to myself and any other ears out there who cared to listen.
My 7-year-old son, Pierre, is the same. He sings while he reads. He sings while he kicks a soccer ball. He sings while he draws. He sings himself to sleep and wakes up singing.
Yes, we are a singing family!
This morning, however, caught me by surprise.
A Singing Surprise
I woke up with a song in my heart—an old one, one that I haven’t thought of in a very long time.
As I walked down the stairs in the early morning hours, out of my mouth came . . .
“The sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom’s dollar that tomorrow, they’ll be sun. Just thinking about tomorrow clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow, ’til there’s none.
Just thinking about tomorrow, so you gotta hang on ’til tomorrow, come what may.
When I’m stuck with a day that’s gray and lonely, I just stick up my chin, and grin, and say . . .
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya, Tomorrow! You’re only a day away!”

Smiles and Laughter
That was my song this morning. It made me smile. It made me laugh out loud.
That famous song is from the musical, “Annie.” I loved that movie growing up. I love music. I love dance. I love good stories—especially hard, sad ones with happy endings. Those are the “feel good” stories.
When I heard my own voice echoing in the house, I remembered auditioning for the “Annie” musical in Kansas City with my best friend, Andrea. I called her “Annie.” She made the audition. I didn’t. I was sad, but happy for her.
I love this song, and I needed to hear it today.
What about you?
Do You Need to Hear This?
I don’t know where you are in the world. I’m stuck inside my house in Spain—going on 8 weeks now. I don’t know about you, but I need to hear a song of life today, a song of hope, a song of expectation . . . about tomorrow.
Today, I’m STUCK inside. The day isn’t gray. It’s actually quite sunny, but I can’t get out my own gate—other than for a short walk with my dog. My boys can’t go out and enjoy the nice weather.
The day is lonely. I miss seeing people. I miss going to Spanish classes at the community center down the street. I miss seeing my kids’ friends and teachers everyday at school. I feel isolated.
But, today, this song, reminded me to walk outside on my little porch . . . stick up my chin and say . . .
“Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya, Tomorrow! You’re only a day away!”
I could feel hope, life, and joy rising up in my heart.
If you can’t hear me belting out this song from across the Atlantic Ocean . . . or whatever land mass and body of water may separate us . . . take a listen . . . and look forward to tomorrow with eyes of hope.
What is your perspective today—gray and lonely? Do you need to hear a song of hope today? How does it change your outlook on life?
We invite you to tell us your own cultural stories and global adventures . . . as you engage with the world, breaking down barriers, building bridges, and “weaving cultures”! Write about them in the comment box below.
Ahhhh this made my heart sing ?
We had such adventures. What a blessing to have a lifetime together. And to be able to encourage one another like this post. What a great song for these times: Tomorrow is only a day away. We have to keep our heads up and keep that optimistic attitude like lLil Orphan Annie ☺️
The days CAN be dreary in a world of pandemic. But with Faith there is hope and the joy of knowing our days will not all be dreary nor our future bleak! We have HOPE beyond these momentary trials. ?
I love you, my forever friend! ❤️
Yes, we have such amazing memories together! So thankful for our continued friendship after all these years . . . even if an ocean still separates us. Let’s sing together now (pretend we are BOTH in the musical), and let’s belt out loudly, “Tomorrow, tomorrow . . . ” Maybe we can hear each other across the waters. If others join us from their corners of the world, we can have a beautiful, global musical! Guess what?! Tonight, Pierre and I are going to watch “Annie” together! 🙂 Wish you could join us!