Today, we gathered at our company luncheon with our American and Canadian colleagues. Our director stood up and wished all the mothers “Happy Mother’s Day.” He had prepared a vase of beautiful, freshly cut yellow and red roses to hand out to each woman.
Several men gasped and frantically looked around the room, as if to say, “Oops!” A few children quickly whispered to their mothers, “Happy Mother’s Day!”
We may live in Spain, but at least someone remembered that it was Mother’s Day in the U.S. and in Canada today.
Most global holidays fall on the same dates in different countries. New Year’s Day, Christmas, Easter, etc . . . all the big ones line up.
However, I have discovered—the hard way—that not all holidays fall on the same day around the world.
One holiday, in particular, almost always gets me in trouble, and not just me, but also a lot of fathers and children around the world.
Mother’s Day!
Be Careful!
You would think that I would remember, but I don’t.
“Did you know that it’s Mother’s Day in Spain on Sunday?” my friend texted me last week.
“No, I had no idea,” I replied.
Then, I turned to my husband, “Is it Mother’s Day in France this Sunday? We can’t forget. Your mom would kill us.”
Depending on where I’m living at the time, if I’m not careful, I can easily miss wishing one of my mothers a “Happy Mother’s Day.”
My mom and my stepmom live in the U.S., but my mother-in-law lives in France. So, I need to closely follow the dates in both countries if I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
It’s important for me to celebrate the mothers in my life. I don’t want them to think that I forgot them.
Of course, I could never forget them, but I may forget the date of Mother’s Day! Therefore, I may forget to wish them “Happy Mother’s Day”!
Depends Where I Am
If I’m in the U.S. at the time, there are typically enough messages on television and in stores to remind me that Mother’s Day is approaching—with the date prominently and visibly announced.
If I’m living in France, the same thing.
However, the dates between the U.S., France, and Spain (where we live now!) almost never coincide.
For example, this year, Mother’s Day in Spain was last Sunday, May 1, 2022. It’s May 8, 2022 in the U.S. However, in France, Mother’s Day falls on May 29, 2022.
Big difference!
The dates seem to be different all over Europe. For example, Mother’s Day in Germany is also May 8, 2022. However, in the U.K., it was on March 27, 2022 .
It’s strange, because Father’s Day in the U.S. and Europe sometimes fall on the same date. Last year, for example, in the U.S. and France, Father’s Day was celebrated on June 20, 2021. Father’s Day in Germany had a different date, May 13, 2021, and in Spain, Italy, and Portugal it was on March 19, 2021. No wonder I can’t keep up with the dates!
Celebrating mothers and fathers around the world seems to be important. However, all the countries have obviously not agreed on the date to do that!
In any case, I confess, there have been times when I have failed to wish one of my mothers or fathers a “Happy Mother’s Day” or “Happy Father’s Day.”
Out of Touch With the World
I can remember our seven years in Morocco when internet wasn’t what it is today. There were also no billboards, store ads, and television commercials to remind me of global holidays. The focus was mainly on local celebrations like Ramadan and Aid l’Kbir.
I usually missed wishing everyone everything during that season of my life . . . other than Christmas and New Year’s. Those holidays were pretty much engrained in my mind forever and not subject to change based on my geographical location!
I Never Will Forget
No, I have never forgotten you, Mom. I never will.
Even if I don’t wish you “Happy Mother’s Day” on the right date, just know that I’m in the wrong country that year . . . or I missed all the online shopping ads that were there to remind me. I’m sorry.
All That to Say . . .
All that to say . . .
“Happy Mother’s Day” to all the mothers out there in the world! Whatever country you are in, whatever date this holiday falls on . . . we celebrate you. EVERYDAY, we celebrate you!
So, that’s our new cultural awareness for the day. Holidays—especially Mother’s Day—don’t always fall on the same date in every country. Beware!
Happy Mother’s Day! Sending love to you from Spain!
I gotta run . . . it’s time to call my mother in the U.S.!

Do you know of other holidays that fall on different dates in different countries?
We invite you to tell us your own cultural stories and global adventures . . . as you engage with the world, breaking down barriers, building bridges, and “weaving cultures”! Write about them in the comment box below.