“Tuesday is ‘Pancake Day’ in the U.K.,” Tyler told me as we waited impatiently to taste the Spanish tortillas last Thursday.
“What?” I asked him. “Are you serious?”
Tyler was from the U.K. and was our new classmate in Spanish.
“Yes, just like today is ‘Tortilla Day’ in Spain, Tuesday is ‘Pancake Day’ in the U.K.,” he explained.
I couldn’t believe it! We have French “Crêpe Day,” “King’s Cake Day,” “Tortilla Day” . . . and now we have “Pancake Day.”
It’s so fun to mix food and culture!
Cultural Awareness Glasses
I needed to put on my cultural awareness glasses to learn more.
Pulling my cell phone out of my purse, I quickly searched for “Pancake Day in the U.K.”
“You’re right,” I told Tyler. “‘Pancake Day’ is Tuesday, February 25.”
Tyler didn’t know all the reasons why they celebrated this special day—also known as “Shrove Tuesday”— in his home country, so I thought we could cultivate our cultural learning together.
I read out loud to him the information I found about his “national” holiday!
“Shrove Tuesday (also known in Commonwealth countries and Ireland as Pancake Tuesday or Pancake Day) is the day in February or March immediately preceding Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent), which is celebrated in some countries by consuming pancakes. In others, especially those where it is called Mardi Gras or some translation thereof, this is a carnival day, and also the last day of “fat eating” or “gorging” before the fasting period of Lent.”
Shrove Tuesday is also celebrated in Australia and Canada. In Spain, Brazil, and Italy, Shrove Tuesday is at the end of “Carnival.” (British Council)

What is “Shrove”?
I continued my cultural learning and discovered the meaning of “Shrove.” Honestly, I wasn’t familiar with this word.
“Shrive” means absolution for sins by doing penance.
“The day gets its name from the tradition of Christians trying to be ‘shriven’ before Lent. Christians would go to Confession, where they admit their sins to a priest and ask for absolution. A bell would be rung to call them to Confession, which was called the ‘pancake bell.’ It’s still rung today.”
In the United States, this holiday is called “Fat Tuesday” (Mardi Gras in French). It is believed that the fatty foods in your house (eggs, milk, and sugar) should be used up before the 40 days of Lent fasting
How About a Pancake Race?!
Besides eating pancakes, another tradition across the U.K. on Shrove Tuesday is pancake races!
“It involves a large
Mirroramount of people normally in fancy dress, racing down streets tossing pancakes. The idea is to get to the finish line first, while carrying the frying pan and flipping the pancake without dropping it. Those that take parthave to be housewives wearing aprons, a hat or scarf. Each contestant has to toss the pancake three times during the race. The first woman to get to the church, complete the course, serve the pancake to the bellringer and kiss him is the winner.”
The most famous race is in Buckinghamshire in Olney. It is believed that Olney has been celebrating pancake races since 1445! (British Council)
Ready for Some Pancakes?
I don’t know about you, but I’m getting hungry for pancakes as I write this post. At our house, everyday is a good day for pancakes. It’s our Saturday morning tradition. However, who says you can’t have pancakes on Tuesday—especially if it’s “Pancake Tuesday”?
Tyler told me that on “Pancake Day,” they eat pancakes all day in the U.K. They make full meals out of them.
Are you ready? If you’ve never made pancakes, here are some easy recipes.
You will see from this first pancake recipe and video that British pancakes are much thinner than American pancakes (second video). British pancakes appear to be the perfect blend of fat and fluffy American pancakes and paper-thin French crêpes.
Whatever type of pancake you prefer, get those “fatty” ingredients out of your kitchen cupboard and make yourself a big stack for “Pancake Day”!
Have you ever heard of “Pancake Day”? When was the last time you ate pancakes? If you have never tried to make them, today is the perfect day to try! Try one of these fun recipes, and top them with maple syrup, whipped cream, fresh fruit, chocolate Nutella, or whatever else
We invite you to tell us your own cultural stories and global adventures . . . as you engage with the world, breaking down barriers, building bridges, and “weaving cultures”! Write about them in the comment box below.