Sitting and reflecting this morning—my first Easter in Spain—I am struck by the hush and silence around me. It’s so quiet, so simple—void of all distractions, all noise.

It’s simply Easter—without all the fluff.

Easter Reflections


Take it away.

Take it all away.

Take away the bright-colored, plastic eggs.

Take away the fluffy, dressed-up bunny at the mall.

Take away the colored dye and hard-boiled eggs.

Take away the children hunting in the garden.

Take away the wicker baskets and shiny, plastic grass.

Take away the foil-covered, miniature chocolate eggs.

Take away the pretty bows, cards, and gifts.

Take away the noise and the parades.

Take away the family traditions and routines.

Take away the big meals adoring the table.

Take away the church bells that echo and ring.

Take away the church building where we gather.

Take away the fancy hats with feathers and bows.

Take away the classy dresses, suits, and ties.

Take away the loud instruments that play.

Take away the music choruses and hymns.

Take away the prayers, the singing that rings.

Take away the voices, the words, and the message.

Take away the people, the friends, the families.

Take it all away.

Take it away.


Just leave me . . . Jesus.

Easter Jesus woman looking at light cross
Photo by KEEM IBARRA on Unsplash

—The Cultural Story-Weaver

The Cultural Story-Weaver

Along with her French husband, four boys, and dog, Marci is a global nomad who has traveled to more than 30 countries and lived extensively in the United States, France, Morocco, and Spain. She loves to travel, speak foreign languages, experience different cultures, eat ethnic foods, meet people from faraway lands, and of course, tell stories.

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