
Royal Persian Puppets

Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $12.99.

A set of 2, these whimsical, soft puppets are made of cotton and upcycled fabrics. This means every king and queen’s dress will vary.


Product Details:
A set of 2, these whimsical, soft puppets are made of cotton and upcycled fabrics. This means every king and queen’s dress will vary.

Approx. Measurements: 8 1/2″ X 14″
Material: Recycled cotton and polyester
Color: Multi colors
*Colors vary

Artisan Information:
Your purchase helps the widowed, abused, poor, and handicapped in India. Along with an income, these women are receiving education, job training, and are actively fighting for women’s rights. They have established a community in which all women, despite their past, have a haven where they become self-sufficient. Your purchase will empower these women to be the heroes of their own stories!

Purchase this piece and empower a woman in India!

Every product has variations as a part of the artisan-made charm!


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