I am a partner with Trades of Hope to fight sex trafficking. Here is a post from their Kindred Blog.

by Kathy Thomas of Trades of Hope

She’s Safe Now

Rosaura came to the safe home when her parents were unable to provide her with safe housing, food, and education. She is one of over a hundred girls in Guatemala, mostly “poverty orphans”—but also survivors of neglect, abuse, and even human trafficking—who’ve found hope here. From infants to teenagers, they are protected, cared for, and encouraged.

She’s Grateful

When asked about life in the safe home, Rosaura—not only expressed gratitude for her food, clothing, education, and essential needs —but also for friends, personal growth, freedom, and the power she now feels because of her experiences there. Rosaura is especially grateful for the creative classes where she learned to express herself.

“I’m more creative. I can think in a different way. I have goals. I’m independent and can take care of myself.”

Trades of Hope Product

Trades of Hope Product

She’s Empowered

These creative classes are more than a hobby. They help provide girls with skills they can use to earn income as adults. Unlike many girls who “age out” of safe homes at eighteen with no skills, money, or homes, and become vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, young women like Rosaura “age out” equipped with skills to help them become independent businesswomen.

As the girls become young adults, they’re offered job opportunities as jewelry Artisans. Every purchase helps the safe home care for more girls.

When Gifts of Hope, an outreach program of Trades of Hope, learned that Rosaura dreamed of learning English so she could travel the world, we sponsored an opportunity for her to attend English classes. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this amazing young woman!

Check out these beautiful designs made by Rosaura and other Artisans in her community.

Trades of Hope Product

Trades of Hope Product

Trades of Hope Product

Trades of Hope Product

Every design features the fingerprint of the Artisan who made it.

human trafficking safe home Guatemala
Human Trafficking Safe Home in Guatemala

Trades of Hope is partnering to support a safe home for girls in Guatemala.

Shop to help provide food, shelter, education, & essential needs for girls in Guatemala.

Author, Kathy Thomas, is an inspirational writer with a passion for helping women discover and celebrate their unique gifts and abilities. Kathy is part of the Communication Team at Trades of Hope focusing on Artisan Development.



Let’s Weave Cultures!

Have you thought about how you can make a difference in the lives of women and girls around the world?

Together, we can make a difference! Check out Trades of Hope and see how you can make a world-changing, life-transforming purchase!

Read more about What Difference Does Ethical Fashion Make?

Shop our “Cultural Threads” online store for products made by survivors of human trafficking around the world.

The Cultural Story-Weaver

Along with her French husband, four boys, and dog, Marci is a global nomad who has traveled to more than 30 countries and lived extensively in the United States, France, Morocco, and Spain. She loves to travel, speak foreign languages, experience different cultures, eat ethnic foods, meet people from faraway lands, and of course, tell stories.

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