My Gift to You—Get Your Free Ebook—”The 5-Day Journey to Cultural Awareness”!
Friday night, I was chatting online with a web designer based in the United States. Once again, my website needed some professional help.
“Have a happy and blessed Easter weekend!” I told him at the end of our conversation. “I’ll chat with you again next week. Are you guys open on Monday?”
“Yeah, we’re open on Monday—as usual,” he replied.
“On Monday—as usual,” I thought to myself. “Here in Spain, and in much of the world, this Monday is not usual.”
In France, it’s called “Lundi de Pâques.” (Translated as “Easter Monday”). In most of Europe, Easter weekend always begins on Good Friday and ends on Easter Monday. After all, according to the Bible, Jesus came back to life on the THIRD day after his death, not the SECOND.
“He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day.” (Luke 24:47)
The Bible
Like in France, here in Spain, there is no school on Easter Monday, and many stores and businesses are closed.
Curious, I put on my cultural awareness glasses to find out which countries observe Easter Monday as a public holiday. There are actually quite a few of them—110.
“Australia, Egypt, Ireland, Central Europe and the UK all observe Easter Monday as a public holiday. There is an extensive list of over 110 countries that observe Easter Monday as an official holiday.”

I then went further to explore how Easter Monday is celebrated around the globe. It sounds much like how we celebrate Easter Sunday in the United States.
“Many countries around the world celebrate Easter Monday by eating Easter eggs made from chocolate. The Easter egg is symbolic of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as eggs are a symbol of new life.
In the UK and Switzerland egg rolling races are undertaken as an Easter tradition. This is where eggs are rolled down a hill or slope and the first egg to reach the bottom unbroken is the winner. This is the reason Easter egg painting is also popular so competitors can decorate their eggs to identify them during the race.
There is a big egg rolling race held annually on the lawns of the White House, Washington D.C where the President will sometimes participate. In Hungary, it is an Easter Monday tradition for young men to duck their wife or girlfriends in a pond, as they refer to Easter Monday as Ducking Monday.”
I’m thankful that we have a long Easter weekend as a family. It gives us more time to reflect, to ponder, to celebrate. The kids are also happy to have an extra day to sleep in and relax at home.
What about you—in your country? Do you celebrate Easter Monday?
—The Cultural Story-Weaver
My Gift to You—Get Your Free Ebook—”The 5-Day Journey to Cultural Awareness”!
Let’s Weave Cultures!
What about you—in your country? Do you celebrate Easter Monday? If so, what do you do?
We invite you to tell us your own cultural stories and global adventures . . . as you engage with the world, breaking down barriers, building bridges, and “weaving cultures”! Write about them in the comment box below.