Every 10 minutes, a woman is killed. #NoExcuse UNiTE to End Violence against Women
That’s the theme for this year’s global day of awareness. November 25 is the day designated by the United Nations (UN) as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Did you hear that? “Every 10 minutes, a woman is killed.“
According to the UN, “One in three women experience violence in their lifetime. “
The UN defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.”
The UN gives some concrete examples of violence against women and girls (VAWG), which remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma and shame surrounding it.
- intimate partner violence (battering, psychological abuse, marital rape, femicide);
- sexual violence and harassment (rape, forced sexual acts, unwanted sexual advances, child sexual abuse, forced marriage, street harassment, stalking, cyber- harassment);
- human trafficking (slavery, sexual exploitation);
- female genital mutilation; and
- child marriage.
A New Topic
This may be a new topic for many people. I had never heard of this international day of awareness until 2021 in my Spanish class here in Spain.
“Thank you for addressing this difficult topic with us,” I said to my Spanish teacher. “This subject is very dear to my heart. I write and speak publicly against human trafficking.”
I went on to explain to her that I work in government-run safe houses with women and children who are rescued victims of human trafficking.
“We must fight to stop this horror!” I said.
She nodded, with tears in her eyes.
A Message of Color
Each one of us had to write a message about the topic and post it on a bulletin board in the school’s entry way. I took a colored piece of paper and wrote my message. It didn’t matter if the Spanish grammar and spelling were correct. What mattered was the heart behind the words.
I wrote . . .
“Con mi voz, con mi lengua, voy contar tus historias al mundo para detener la violencia y para protegeros.”

That’s why I wrote the book, Our Journey to El Dorado. That’s why I started the non-profit organization called “The Strawberry Girls.” I am committed, determined to use my voice, my tongue, and my words to tell the stories of these women. May the writing of these stories— representing all the other women and girls around the world—bring an awareness and be one link in stopping the violence and exploitation of women.
With tears, I took the glue stick that my teacher handed me, and I pasted my purple paper next to the other colors.

One of the messages said, “Basta Ya!”
“What does this mean?” I asked my teacher.
“Stop!” she explained, putting out the palm of her hand in front of me.
“Si, basta ya!” I said loudly. “We must fight together to end this!”
The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women will mark the launch of the UNiTE campaign (Nov 25- Dec 10) — an initiative of 16 days of activism concluding on the day that commemorates the International Human Rights Day (10 December).
This campaign, led by the UN Secretary-General and UN Women since 2008, aims to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls around the world, calling for global action to increase awareness, promote advocacy and create opportunities for discussion on challenges and solutions.”
Join us in this global fight!
Do you want to support our work among exploited women and children in Spain? We are their voices! Listen to the stories of The Strawberry Girls! Just by hearing these women’s journeys, you are already making a difference.
What can you do to acknowledge the International Day for the Elimination of Violence of Women and make a difference in someone’s life?
We invite you to tell us your own cultural stories and global adventures . . . as you engage with the world, breaking down barriers, building bridges, and “weaving cultures”! Write about them in the comment box below.