Do You Know What a ‘Fanny Pack’ is?!
Have you ever said something—a word or expression—that had an entirely different meaning in another country or culture? How did you find out?
Have you ever said something—a word or expression—that had an entirely different meaning in another country or culture? How did you find out?
What kind of water would you like to drink? This cross-cultural family has all kinds of interesting food and drinks at their table.
It's amazing what one little letter can do to drastically change the meaning of a word. This story will make your belly ache too—with funny tummy pain!
A family who just recently arrived in France forgot to say two very important words before the meal—leading to a funny cultural blooper.
Being in a foreign country and not knowing the local language can be costly. Beware! Read signs carefully or your wallet may soon be empty!
An American boy wants a chocolate milkshake—his favorite. This time, he did not get what he was expecting! A language blooper!
How can tiny words have so much importance—drastically changing the meaning of a sentence? That's the power of prepositions—leading to laughter!
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