Welcome Back to the ‘Land Between’
This place feels strangely familiar. I've been here before. I recognize the smells, sights, sounds, feelings. It's the 'Land Between.' We are here again.
This place feels strangely familiar. I've been here before. I recognize the smells, sights, sounds, feelings. It's the 'Land Between.' We are here again.
Being in a foreign country and not knowing the local language can be costly. Beware! Read signs carefully or your wallet may soon be empty!
Those “left behind” are not looking ahead. They can’t see it. They do not feel the joy of “hellos.” They only feel the pain of “goodbyes.”
A friend sent me this video link. She suggested that our family could have used this method to better prepare for our recent overseas travel adventure.
“You just never know. If you run into traffic or have a flat tire, you need enough time to still get to the airport and make your flight.”
Little did we know what was in store for us. All of this had to be done within 10 days of travel, so we only had a small window of opportunity.
Scanning his microchip was the easy part of the process—even if it had migrated to another part of his body with all of our international moves. Surprise!
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