Crazy Culture Shock for a French Family on ‘Black Friday’
The story of one family's first experience of American "Black Friday" and the culture shock that comes with it . . . crowds, craziness, and consumerism!
The story of one family's first experience of American "Black Friday" and the culture shock that comes with it . . . crowds, craziness, and consumerism!
Can you imagine being out of ketchup in the U.S.? Believe it or not, France is out of mustard. It's a national crisis!
When you live in a foreign country, you often miss your national celebrations. How can you find creative ways to make your national holidays special?
Did you know that Cinco de Mayo has international roots? This French family put on their cultural awareness glasses and discovered something new!
What's the big deal about fish on April 1 in France? Have you ever heard of le poisson d'avril? Watch for paper fish on your back!
A few years ago, this French family almost forgot to celebrate "French Crêpe Day." They were culturally jet-lagged! This year, they won't forget!
Is the voting system in France the same as in the US? My French husband answers questions about how presidents are elected in his country.
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