Did You Know—It’s World Singing Day!
Did you know that today is World Singing Day? Let's all join the chorus around the globe and unite ourselves in song.
Did you know that today is World Singing Day? Let's all join the chorus around the globe and unite ourselves in song.
Thanks to Christopher Columbus, we have another Spanish holiday to celebrate. He dared to "do it scared," pushing past his barriers at the border.
What are schools like in your country? They are different all over the globe. Put on your cultural awareness glasses and journey around the world.
What do you do when it’s 45.9 degrees C (114.6 degrees F) outside—with a heat index of 48 degrees C (118 degrees F)—and you don’t have air conditioning?
Beware! Have you ever stumbled onto a topless beach? We have, and our kiddos were along for the adventure!
I have discovered that not all holidays fall on the same date around the world. One holiday, in particular, almost always gets me in trouble—Mother's Day!
Did you know that Cinco de Mayo has international roots? This French family put on their cultural awareness glasses and discovered something new!
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