Did You Know . . . ? Cultural Tidbit From Jordan
Did You Know . . . this interesting cultural tidbit about Jordan and its culture of hospitality? You better know before you go!
Did You Know . . . this interesting cultural tidbit about Jordan and its culture of hospitality? You better know before you go!
Why isn't your milk refrigerated? In many countries in Europe, you buy UHT milk that is stored in boxes in a cupboard. How is that possible?
What do you do when you live overseas and you can't find the ingredients you need for your favorite recipes from "home"? Find out here!
Have you ever traveled or lived in a country where you can't find cheap peanut butter and grape jelly? I have—my list of favorite things I can't find.
Beware! When writing dates, always ask yourselves, “Where am I right now? In what country? How do they write their dates?”
When you arrive in a foreign country, you have to adjust to the culture—that includes the time! Here is a glimpse at our adjustment to "Spanish time."
What do you do when you cannot understand something in a foreign culture? Do you compare it to something familiar from your own culture?
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