Can You Wear Cultural Glasses in Your House?
How can you develop cultural awareness when you can't travel around the world? How can you grow and cultivate cultural learning from your living room?
How can you develop cultural awareness when you can't travel around the world? How can you grow and cultivate cultural learning from your living room?
It may have been Father's Day on your side of the world, but it wasn't everywhere. Learn about the different dates and traditions of celebrating fathers.
Can you hear it—in the distance? It's the cultural sounds of music from around the world. Come and listen with me! Come and join the international song!
Our family was excited to experience our first Easter living in Spain. When we put on our cultural awareness glasses, it wasn't at all what we expected!
A first American Easter egg hunt—this cultural mishap leads to a lot of laughter. Learn how the French celebrate Easter with bells, lamb, and omelets!
Something stirs. From the ashes of chaos, pain, and suffering, the beauty of faith and culture is rising. It cannot be snuffed out.
Foot washing may seem strange. It depends on where you live. In some cultures, foot washing is a normal part of everyday hospitality.
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