December 6—St. Nicholas Day and Spain Day
Does St. Nicholas really come to town at the beginning of December? What's this December 6 Christmas celebration all about?
Does St. Nicholas really come to town at the beginning of December? What's this December 6 Christmas celebration all about?
Not everyone has friends and family to celebrate with on Thanksgiving. We don't. Today is a lonely Thanksgiving.
Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence of Women. We can all fight. It begins by hearing their stories.
Did you know today is World Children's Day, officially recognized by the United Nations since 1954? It's a day to remember . . . and to act.
"Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human." —UNESCO
Did you know that today is World Pet Memorial Day? Let's not forget. Let's take time to remember and honor our furry companions around the globe.
Today is International Women's Day—celebrating women around the world. May we not forget women who are exploited, abused, and enslaved.
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