No Fireworks for This French Boy!
When you live in a foreign country, you often miss your national celebrations. How can you find creative ways to make your national holidays special?
When you live in a foreign country, you often miss your national celebrations. How can you find creative ways to make your national holidays special?
I don’t smell BBQ wafting through the air. There are no firecrackers popping in the distance. Drums and applause of local parades are nowhere to be heard.
Our four children were born with two nationalities, two languages, and two cultures. But, they can't all run for president of their countries.
A few years ago, this French family almost forgot to celebrate "French Crêpe Day." They were culturally jet-lagged! This year, they won't forget!
Sometimes living on the other side of the world—away from family and friends—can be lonely, especially on holidays.
Sometimes, it is nice to be "stuck"—you can't go forward and you can't go back. Now, it's time to get out our suitcases. It's time to transition.
Why have we chosen this nomadic lifestyle once again? We must thrive in the chaos, the messiness, the mystery, the hunting, the scramble.
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