I’ve been writing since I was a little girl. Decades later, I finally mustered up enough courage to launch my words into the world. I have now published five children’s books (in English, French, and Spanish), a memoir about my work in Spain among women rescued from human trafficking, and several fun, creative, non-fiction books about crossing borders, languages, and cultures.
Free Ebooks:
5-Day Journey to Cultural Awareness: An Interactive Experience of the World From Your Home
International Students—Inviting the World Into Your Home
The Strawberry Girls—Poems and Drawings for Human Trafficking Awareness (Paperback/Ebook)
Spanish Version: Las chicas de las fresas (Paperback/Ebook)

Our Journey to El Dorado—A True Story of Faith and Freedom from Human Trafficking (Paperback/Ebook)
Children’s Picture Books:

Icky, Itchy Underwear—A Fun Story to Overcome Everyday Challenges (Paperbook/Ebook)
The Boy Who Weaves the World (Paperback/Ebook)—English Version
Le Garçon Qui Tisse le Monde (Paperback/Ebook)—French Version
El niño que teje el mundo (Paperback/Ebook)—Spanish Version
The Boy of Many Colors (Paperback/Ebook) —English Version
Le Garçon en Couleurs (Paperback/Ebook)—French Version
El niño de muchos colores (Paperback/Ebook)—Spanish Version