‘I Can’t Talk to Mémé Anymore’
Bilingual children can quickly lose their languages if they don't use them. The language barrier can unfortunately separate them from their family.
Bilingual children can quickly lose their languages if they don't use them. The language barrier can unfortunately separate them from their family.
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." Today, it's time to leave. Family vacation is over.
Today, I turn 50! It's lonely over here on the other side of the world—away from my family and friends. It's hard, but I'm still thankful!
Can you imagine being out of ketchup in the U.S.? Believe it or not, France is out of mustard. It's a national crisis!
What do you do when it’s 45.9 degrees C (114.6 degrees F) outside—with a heat index of 48 degrees C (118 degrees F)—and you don’t have air conditioning?
When you live in a foreign country, you often miss your national celebrations. How can you find creative ways to make your national holidays special?
Beware! Have you ever stumbled onto a topless beach? We have, and our kiddos were along for the adventure!
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