I Think We Missed the ‘King’s Cake’!
The story of a French family in America who forgets to celebrate one of their favorite cultural traditions—the famous King's Cake!
The story of a French family in America who forgets to celebrate one of their favorite cultural traditions—the famous King's Cake!
Ringing in the New Year . . . We don't all celebrate the new year around the world at the same time, and we don't all celebrate the new year in the same way.
A 6-year-old boy learns the power of giving. This Operation Christmas Child shoebox is sent off with a lot of love and prayers.
Christmas and the end-of-the-year holidays are full of joy and festivities . . . for some . . . but it's not joyful for everyone around the world.
It was the beautiful simplicity of an "overseas" Christmas that I was missing. Where had it gone? How could I find it again?
Some homes and families are a blend of several cultures. In our cross-cultural family, we are weaving cultures at Christmas time in our house.
Living in Spain—my new host country—I wanted to learn how Spaniards celebrate Christmas. This is what I discovered . . . nativity scenes, "poopers" . . .
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