‘Eïd Mubarak’ Around the World!
'Eïd Mubarak' to all my friends around the world gathering, celebrating, and feasting today! Generosity, hospitality, festivity. I miss those days.
'Eïd Mubarak' to all my friends around the world gathering, celebrating, and feasting today! Generosity, hospitality, festivity. I miss those days.
We are in culture shock in France. No one is wearing masks like in Spain! That's about to change—choose your color, style, and size!
How can you develop cultural awareness when you can't travel around the world? How can you grow and cultivate cultural learning from your living room?
I think I may be afraid of people. Recently, I had several experiences that confirm this "new reality" for me. I don't like it. I resist it.
Are we becoming selfish and ME-centered in this global pandemic? What will it take to turn our gaze onto others and become OTHER-centered?
Celebrating a birthday during quarantine requires creativity and out-of-the-box ideas. At our house, we celebrated three pandemic birthdays in a row!
It may have been Father's Day on your side of the world, but it wasn't everywhere. Learn about the different dates and traditions of celebrating fathers.
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