I love Disney, I confess. I grew up going to Disney.

Every summer, I can remember my big sister and I sitting on the curb with our suitcases, waiting for Grandma and Grandpa to pick us up. It was summer, and we were going to Disneyland!

It was the good ‘ole days when we would all load up in the dark blue station wagon with velour seats. I hated the feeling of rubbing my hands across that material. Thankfully, my Grandma knew that and always covered them with soft, flannel blankets.

My sister and I would lay in the back of the station wagon. I guess we didn’t wear seatbelts for the entire road trip from Missouri to the West Coast. We would watch the Price is Right with Bob Barker on the small, portable television set. I always had my cash register with me and enjoyed playing store with my imaginary customers.

It was pure fun!

Mickey’s House

We were blessed to have family in Arizona and California. So, we had places to stay along the way. When we didn’t have family to host us, we stayed overnight in cheap Howard Johnson’s hotels. There, we enjoyed evening swims in the pool and buffet breakfasts in the early morning.

After long days of fun in the car and hotels, we finally arrived. We saw the sign. It read, “Anaheim, California.”

We always stayed in the same hotel, just across from the Disneyland entrance. I think my Grandpa booked the same room for the same dates for the same length of stay every year. We were regular guests.

Wow! Mickey’s house was just across the street.

We enjoyed breakfasts at Denny’s and then spent the entire day at the park. My Grandma and Grandpa somehow managed to keep up with my energetic sister and I. My grandmother was brave and courageous and loved all the roller coasters as much as we did.

Those were amazing days, unforgettable memories that I still carry in my heart and mind today.

That was a long time ago.

All But One

I now have four boys, ranging from ages 22 to 7. Our three oldest sons have been to Disney World in Florida and Disneyland in Paris. I’m not sure if our third son, David, has any recollection. I believe he was still in a backpack baby carrier or stroller at the time.

On the other hand, our 7-year-old, Pierre, has never been to Disney. I’m not sure if or when I’ll be able to take him. Perhaps one day.

I have been thinking about how to spend spring break stuck inside, trying to find some creative ways to entertain my children. The older boys manage to entertain themselves by working out in the garage, watching movies, playing video games, or chatting with friends on their phones. Way too much screen time, in my opinion! But, I am also having too much screen time these days!

Our youngest son, however, is bored out of his mind and is bouncing off the walls of our house.

In searching for fun things to do with the boys during spring break, I came across an article about Disney. It was published in Good Housekeeping Magazine. It had a link to a virtual trip to Disney.

After Dinner Surprise

So, I just told my 7-year-old that I had a surprise for him after dinner. I’ll invite the rest of the family along, and hopefully they will play along with my silliness.

I’m taking my family of 6 to Disney tonight, and I’m anticipating that it will only cost about $2—the cost of some microwave popcorn and maybe some lemonade.

Do you want to go to Disney with me? Grab your kids and your popcorn, and let’s get going!

Our Family’s Disney Experience!

Wow! That was so much fun! Most of the family came on our family trip to Disney—all except our 22-year-old who thought we were out of our minds.

We took turns choosing rides, alternating between the “big kid rides” like “Star Wars Millennium Falcon” and the “kiddie rides” like “It’s a Small World.” That last one was my top choice! Just the music brings back so many memories. My son was shocked that I knew all the words to all the Disney songs.

The filming of the rides was done in 360 degree rotation, so it was amazing how you felt like you were actually on the roller coasters. We would twist and turn with the rides, holding up our hands high in the sky, and screaming all the way down the monster hills.

It sure beat the cost of Disneyland tickets, now $154 per adult and $146 per kid (ages 3-9) for a one-day pass on a weekend in May. We also got to board the rides without the insanely long lines.

The videos were great, because you could see the photographer walking in the line, boarding the ride, and then exiting. You get the whole experience!

Even the fireworks display at midnight!

It was a lot of fun and entertained our family for about 1 hour.

The next night after dinner, our 20-year-old said, “Are we going to go on a few more Disney rides tonight after supper?”

Yep! Let’s go!

Come along! Here’s the link!




What creative ideas have you found to make 2020 the BEST SPRING BREAK EVER for your family?

We invite you to tell us your own cultural stories and global adventures . . . as you engage with the world, breaking down barriers, building bridges, and “weaving cultures!” Write about them in the comment box below.



How Do You Spend Spring Break Stuck Inside?






The Cultural Story-Weaver

Along with her French husband, four boys, and dog, Marci is a global nomad who has traveled to more than 30 countries and lived extensively in the United States, France, Morocco, and Spain. She loves to travel, speak foreign languages, experience different cultures, eat ethnic foods, meet people from faraway lands, and of course, tell stories.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Alicia Havens

    Enjoyed this! Glad you and your family are well! Thanks for the link so I can ride on Peter Pan’s flight! xx

    1. Hope you had a fun virtual trip to Disney! I love Peter Pan’s Flight too. I think I missed that one. Hope you were able to find it! 🙂

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